15 Things For 2015.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

So this is the time of year that lots of folks set (and attempt to stick to) New Year’s resolutions. I’ve done so in the past (some instances more successfully than others) because on some level a new start, the optimism of summertime and the resolve to improve your life is pretty darn appealing.

The premise makes sense. It takes roughly thirty days to change a habit or alter your routine for the long-term. The problem I’ve always had with the whole thing is the idea that you can overhaul your outlook and happiness within such a time-frame. Certainly, by mid-February or early March I’ve forgotten all about my inspired start to the New Year. Time does its terrible dance and before I know it I’m making a whole bunch of strangely familiar resolutions all over again. So this year I’m instead making a list of things for all of this next year; The Fab List of 2015. Areas to improve, fears to overcome, experiences to try. Not setting a strict deadline on any of them but making a bucket-list of sorts for the here and now. Solidifying what I want from this year and how I can make it happen. 

Here are some ideas (in no particular order) for your own list should you decide to try along with me. 

1. If you’re organized, let in some spontaneity, if you’re care-free, try some structure.
2. Be inspired! Don’t let your days fall into routine; seek a new perspective or set of skills.
3. Make time for people. Work and sleep takes a big chunk of your day but we’re now more connected than ever; check in with your nearest and dearest. Make an effort.
4. Stop procrastinating and book that ticket now; see your concert, go to your play, hop on that plane. Wages can’t be all bills and taxes. 
5. Take a class in something; learning a new set of skills helps keep your brain a happy chappy.
6. Find yourself a creative outlet; it might be drawing, writing, making music, anything.
7. Take some time out for yourself every day to be still. We live in a society of always-doing-something so even just five minutes of you and reflection of some kind is ace. Five minutes of you pinning things or candy-crushing doesn’t count by the way.
8. If you have a few habits you want to change, or routines to alter, pick one each month to focus on rather than trying to wrangle all of them by January’s end. Set achievable goals.
9. The next time you scream at someone in traffic, slam doors in frustration or leap to conclusions about how this person and that person hate you because of something they said or did, stop and take a breath. It isn’t the end of the world. Perspective is important.
10. Be kinder to yourself. We all struggle, we’re all human, dammit. Give yourself a break.
11. Go to a restaurant you’ve never visited before or try a new style of food.
12. Write letters to your loved ones. Might seem saccharine-and-way-too-sweet but if we’re willing to air our grievances on social media (I have a blog for crying out loud!) then why not divulge how much we cherish the people who are important to us?
13. Give; a donation, a present, your time, anything. Giving without thought of reward rocks.
14. Surround yourself with people who help you grow rather than tear you down.
15. Practice empathy every day.

See any ideas you like? Have any suggestions of you own? Please share them with me! Will do a monthly blog post so we can all check our progress. Let’s kick 2015’s butt, I say. See you in the new year, folks. xx

Generally Generous.

Saturday 1 November 2014

I find the quote above striking. And super truthful. Don’t get me wrong, I kinda love getting stuff. My childhood memories of the buzz surrounding present-opening on Christmas morning are dazzling. The fab-o fun of being love-bombarded with calls, texts and countless fb notifications on my birthday (plus cute Star Wars related giftage!) infects the day with incredible positive energy. I also reeeeeally love payday. Like, a lot.  

Having said that though, I honestly (and not in a saccharine ugh-really-you’re-so-painfully-Polly-Anna-kinda-way) adore the act of giving. I love spending money on people I care about. I love surprising loved ones with just-because giftage. The high I get from recalling a random detail and translating that into a thoughtful box of awesomesauce is really intoxicating. And maybe a bit lame too, but whatevs, I’m a weird crazy-cat-lady-nanna-hermit in training. Being generous with awkwardly-intense-hugs, old-man-impressions, work-load-alleviation, arm-flailing-hilarity (anywhere between goofball and cerebral comedy), chauffer-services, Lyn-love, random-film-and-TV-references, giggles and guffaws and my superpowers of empathy, compassion and compromise feels as natural to me as breathing. It really is wonderfully affirming, rejuvenating and fabulous for the day-to-day (and the big stuff). 

 Had a few instances lately (and many fantastic examples throughout my life, if you’ve read these before you know how much I’m a fam-fan and adore my folks) where I have been on the receiving end of some pretty steep selflessness, generosity and grace. I can tell you right now that all of these, from the smallest text message to the grandest public offering of assistance, are so positively impactful I’m at a loss for words. Hence, why I have to make them up all the time… Never underestimate the gift of generosity, what might be the smallest action for you could have the biggest and best ramifications for people in your life.